Dieter Schwarz Foundation

The Dieter Schwarz Foundation ranks among the large German foundations; it becomes active where government bodies are not, or not sufficiently, able to meet the needs of the economy and society.

'Promote education, share knowledge, venture future' is the guiding principle of the Dieter Schwarz Foundation, named after Heilbronn entrepreneur Dieter Schwarz. The foundation is based in Heilbronn, where it has been active in the region and far beyond since 1999. Through its commitments, the Foundation today strives to promote that which makes society well-prepared for the future: a wide range of educational opportunities for people in different phases of life. Science is of decisive importance for the development and future sustainability of the state. Against this backdrop, one of the main objectives of the foundation is to recognize potential, to develop visions from it and to implement them sustainably.

Promote education, share knowledge, venture future.

The guiding principle of the Dieter Schwarz Foundation

Current focal points include the Bildungscampus in Heilbronn and the Science Center experimenta, which is also located in Heilbronn, and at which visitors can experience the world of science with all of their senses as well as get to grips interactively with the natural sciences and technology.

More information about the Dieter Schwarz Foundation and its work can be found at

Prof. Reinhold R. Geilsdörfer

Chairman Managing Director, Member of the Management Board since 2016

The Vision: Heilbronn - City of Knowledge

By completing the educational chain on the campus, another great step towards becoming a city of knowledge with international renown is accomplished: At the beginning of 2020, Heilbronn is awarded the status of being a university city, thus honoring the constant expansion of the educational landscape. However, that is by no means the end of the journey; instead it spurns on to invest more energy into education and science so as to live up to the aspirations of being a knowledge city. The founding principle of the knowledge city is the commitment to knowledge, education and the transfer of knowledge, and to provide access and make that knowledge available to the general public and interested parties. This holistic approach is represented by the Bildungscampus of the Dieter Schwarz Foundation, and this is what makes it worth visiting.

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