The future in the making

The Bildungscampus Heilbronn is a dynamic hub where education, science and innovation come together to collaboratively shape the future. A key method of innovation used here is the “living lab”. A living lab is defined as a designated area that is temporally, spatially, or thematically limited where new approaches are tested under real-life conditions. This is exactly what happens at the Bildungscampus. The focus is on data-driven technologies for developing smart applications. The goal is to support the work, learning and daily life of campus users, making it as simple and comfortable as possible.

The future is made where we are: In the present.

Sensor-supported technologies like robots for site operations, smart trash cans, or predictive models for the best canteen visit times are various building blocks towards a fully smart and sustainable Bildungscampus. But how do these applications become smart? The answer lies in testing various, concrete scenarios and using the high-quality data generated from them to optimize future processes for the operation and infrastructure of the campus, thereby benefitting its users. Responsible handling and critical reflection on data security and data protection are therefore among the core tasks of a living lab.

The data protection information applicable to the Bildungscampus site can be found here. 


Bildungscampus West – how will we live, learn, and work in ten years?

This question of the future is at the forefront of the construction and operation of sites, as the buildings, areas, and infrastructures that will be used tomorrow need to be planned today. And at the same time be able to fulfil the requirements of the day after tomorrow. How can our daily lives be meaningfully supported by technologies in the future? To ensure our assumptions are as accurate as possible, a variety of concepts are being tested on the Bildungscampus grounds in collaboration with different partners:

Facility Management Roboter - Loomi

The Facility Management (FM) of the Bildungscampus fulfills a multitude of tasks on a daily basis. The top priority is the smooth operation of the site. For routine or inspection tasks, the FM team is now supported by a small, mobile robot on two wheels.

What else is happening at the Bildungscampus?

Further research projects are supported on the Bildungscampus. 
You can find a small selection of projects here: 

  • Smart Campus Initivative – Data-supported development and testing of smart and innovative services and business models on campus
  • Track4science  – Better understanding mobility behaviour on campus and developing sustainable mobility strategies
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