Photography & Filming

It is nice to know, that the Bildungscampus of the Dieter Schwarz Foundation is such a popular photo location. However, the Bildungscampus is private property, which means that a photography & filming permission must always be obtained in advance.

Please note that you are specifically responsible for:

  • Obtaining and carrying the photo & filming permit.
  • Considering and complying with applicable privacy regulations.
  • Obtaining and complying with regulations, e.g. for the use of drones.

General notes:

  • As we are a location for a wide variety of teaching and learning formats, elementary school students are among our youngest campus residents. We ask for your special consideration and understanding that photography of children is not permitted.
  • Photography in indoor areas is only possible with the consent of the respective facility/institution. This also applies to the If this is necessary, please indicate this in the photo & filming permit.
  • Product shots where the campus serves as a scenic background are not permitted.  The reason for this is that a reference to the Bildungscampus or the Dieter Schwarz Foundation could arise in the sense of an advertising or product partner.
  • For security reasons, we are unable to take photos in the parking lots at the Bildungscampus or in the experimenta parking garage. 

Photo & filming permission form:

You can download the photo & filming permission form here.
Please send the completed and signed form at least one week in advance to bildungscampus-hn*Den Text zwischen den * loeschen, dies ist ein Spamschutz* for review and approval.


Stand: 04/2024

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